Caroline Reddel

Awards 39Caroline joined the Eastwood Uniting Church Musical Society  in 1998 for Pride and Prejudice.  I don’t know how old she was but she was definitely not too many years out of school.  Nevertheless she scored a small role as a maid.   Since then she has gone from strength to strength as a member of EUCMS, and I believe she certainly deserves to have her contribution recognised tonight.

 Caroline joined the executive in 2004 as a floor member and has been on the committee ever since.  In addition to floor member she was new members’ convenor for three years, vice president for two years, and has been President since 2012.  She has been both a member or convenor of the SSSC since 2004, and therefore one of the members responsible for bringing to EUCMS many of the newer and “first time” productions which now are included in our “best show ever” list.

The President is often the person to whom the rest of the committee will say “this is hard, what do we do?” or “what’s the best way to approach this person/situation?”  Caroline has always met each challenge presented to her.  When dealing with others on behalf of the society, Caroline always displays tact, diplomacy, discretion and an understanding of the other person’s position, often devising a win/win situation which satisfies all parties.   I know that Caroline brings those same qualities to everything else she does within the society.

As President Caroline takes time to review and reflect on what the executive is doing, what it needs to be doing, and whether anything that has been done needs to be changed.  She has taken on jobs such as updating job descriptions, developing the society’s working with children policies and liaising with the church to ensure that EUCMS’ needs are known and met as best as possible in a time where the church’s facilities are under heavy demand. 

As to production, since 1998 Caroline has had minor or major principal roles in 12 productions and 9 cameo or ensemble roles.  Twice she has been part of the costume team and the stage crew.  She has been stage manager once, production manager three times, assistant director twice and director of four shows.  I know she’s also performed in at least one concert party and in many annual and Christmas church services.

As to the creative part, Caroline has been a willing volunteer since at least 2008 with many, most, if not all, of the mid-year dinner and Christmas party organisation (including volunteering her parents’ home as a venue on a number of occasions!)  She was part of the 2015 fundraising concert team and was on the away show committee for the 2015 performance at Springwood.  I’m sure there are other things she has been involved in but which didn’t make it onto the list she gave me so I could write all of this.  In particular she forgot to mention her involvement in the 50th anniversary celebrations, including being the imagination behind, and moving force for, the Fair Day, as well as co-ordinating the overall plans for the year (although she tells me that other people took charge of different events!).  She has an ongoing role on the book committee which, yes, is STILL working on the history of EUCMS.

Caroline has always impressed me with the maturity and seriousness with which she has met many difficult situations during her time on the executive, and production teams.  She is not one to throw up her hands when confronted by a problem.  Instead she gives calm and rational thought to the problem and how to overcome it, and then communicates her thoughts in a measured, reasonable and effective way. 

Caroline is one of the faces of the future for EUCMS; younger members with a passion not only for “community theatre”, as our endeavours are now known, but also for EUCMS itself; who value the history of the society, its origins and its aims and who try very hard to keep EUCMS relevant and up-to-date in the rapidly changing world of leisure activities; a member who will continue to guide EUCMS towards its 60th, 70th and 75th anniversaries.

Megan Willis

(Members of EUCMS congratulate Caroline.) 

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